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Our Scrabble Facts


As one of the world's best-known board games, Scrabble's popularity continues to grow. Read on for some fun facts about our favourite word game... 

  1. Scrabble celebrated its 60th birthday in 2008.
  2. Over 150 million games have been sold in 121 countries around the world.
  3. Scrabble is currently produced in 29 different languages. The latest is the Welsh language Scrabble introduced in 2006.
  4. 53 per cent of all homes in Great Britain have a Scrabble set.
  5. Each hour, at least 30,000 Scrabble games are started.
  6. There are over 260,000 legal words allowed under British Scrabble rules.
  7. The highest score for one game is 1049 by Philip Appleby from Lymington in 1989.
  8. It's not possible to play Scrabble in Japanese or Chinese, but they play in English with a rule book in their own language.
  9. UK players have their own organisation, the Association of British Scrabble Players ( which was taken to court in 1995 by an irate player for allowing too little time for him to go to the toilet between games.
  10. Janet Street-Porter once described Scrabble as more addictive than cocaine, champagne and group sex!


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