New Years Resolutions & beating those pesky January blues | Club Dance Holidays UK > Sign in / Sign up

New Years Resolutions & beating those pesky January blues


There’s nothing left to mull, every conceivable turkey recipe has been made and there’s toys, gadgets, and pine needles everywhere! We’ve partied like it’s 1999 and indulged waaaay too much (that’s what December is for right?!) 2023 festivities completed!

So, what should your New Years resolution be? Here’s our top 5 for you to make the most of 2024 and to ensure you look after your health and well-being. 

  1. Take up a new hobby.

Why not sign up for that thing that you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t feel like you could? Whether it’s crochet, learning a new language, swimming, cooking, running, book club or maybe even trying a new dance style ?? Hobbies can not only encourage you to accomplish something new, but you’ll also meet new people with a common interest and fill up your social and well-being cups too!

        2. Take time for yourself.

We all know that the stresses of everyday life can take their toll on our physical and mental health. But ensuring that we take a moment to look after both is so important... easier said than done, we know! Something so simple as taking a long bubble bath, watching re-runs of your fave tv show, or binging the latest series with a glass of your favourite drink can be so good for the soul!

        3.  Get outdoors!

Taking a walk in the wintery fresh air can be so cathartic! We’re not saying it has to be a full-on hike in the mountains, but even a stroll through the local park with a travel mug and a friend to natter with or a wander down to the duck pond with the little ones will be sure to blow away those winter cobwebs.

        4.  Be more mindful.

The world feels like it’s on hyperdrive. Take time to slow down. Reduce screen time or social media use, read a book, maybe even start a journal. Look after your body and mind by eating well and moving more. Mindfulness is different for everyone, but knowing your limits when it comes to feeling overwhelmed with stress and work is paramount to looking after yourself.

Kallisti Stay transfer

        5.  Plan a trip!

Whether it’s a weekend staycation or that bucket list trip of a lifetime, planning a holiday to look forward to is sure to keep you going through these cold winter months. We love planning holidays at Club Dance… obviously! So why not give us a call and let us take all the hard work out of planning your next dance holiday?! From ski holidays to al fresco dancing in the Med, we’ve got everything covered.

Whatever your plans for the festive period and New Year, the Club Dance Holidays team wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2024.